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Updated Guideline for Agricultural Impact Statements at the Exploration Stage

The NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has reviewed the Guideline for Agricultural Impact Statements at the Exploration Stage.

An Agricultural Impact Statement (AIS) is used to assess how exploration activities may impact agricultural resources or industries.

What is changing? 

The Exploration AIS Guideline only requires an AIS when the land on which the exploration activities are proposed is considered to have significant agricultural value, and the nature of the exploration activities has the potential to have an impact on agricultural land or agricultural activities.

This includes if the proposed exploration activities are located within any of the following Local Environment Plan Zones: 

  • RU1 Primary Production 
  • RU2 Rural Landscape 
  • RU4 Primary Production Small Lots 
  • C3 Environmental Management

and within 250m of: 

The updated guideline ensures a thorough assessment of impacts on high-value agricultural land, while streamlining the process for exploration on lower-value agricultural land. 

What information should be included in an AIS? 

The information provided in an AIS for exploration activities should address the potential impacts of the proposed exploration activities on agricultural resources or industries. 

An AIS should include: 

  1. details of any consultation undertaken with stakeholders expected to be impacted by the exploration activities;
  2. a description of the proposed exploration activities;
  3. a description of the agricultural activities and resources on the land and adjoining land;
  4. details of any sensitive agricultural activities on the land and adjoining land;
  5. details of agricultural water sources on the land and adjoining land;
  6. a description of the potential impacts of the exploration activities on the agricultural activities and resources on the land and on adjoining land and the proposed measures to avoid or mitigate these impacts;
  7. details of the proposed rehabilitation process; and
  8. details of how the exploration activities will address agricultural biosecurity on the land and adjoining land.

Refer to Figure 1 of the Guideline (PDF, 1 MB) for a more detailed overview. 

Transitional period 

Page 3 outlines the transitional period for implementation of the updated Guideline. This allows proponents adequate time to adapt to the changes. 

This revised Guideline supersedes the previous version and should be used by proponents of new exploration activity approvals lodged after the date of publication (9 December 2024).

Exploration AISs will be accepted using the previous Guideline for a period of up to 6 months after the updated Guideline has been published on the Resources Regulator’s website, but no later than 9 June 2025.  

View the revised Guideline for Agricultural Impact Statements at the Exploration Stage (PDF, 1 MB).

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