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Amendments to the Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Substances) Regulation 2024

Amendments to the Work Health and Safety (Crystalline Silica Substances) Regulation 2024 will commence on 1 September 2024.

The Resources Regulator has undertaken an analysis of the requirements set out in the current health control plan and principal hazard management plan for airborne contaminants against the requirements of the new amendments.

A principal hazard management plan or control plan, already in place in NSW mines, should identify the hazardous tasks and associated control measures which gives them equivalency with the proposed crystalline silica substance (CSS) control plan.

The Regulator’s analysis identified respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is to comply with the AS/NZS standards:

  • AS/NZS 1716:2012, Respiratory protective devices
  • AS/NZS 1715:2009, Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment.

The Regulator will adopt a transitional approach to the implementation of the new regulation through focussing on education and awareness for the first 4 months of the commencement of the new regulation. Mine operators are reminded to undertake their own gap analysis to ensure they comply with the regulation. 

Read the Work Health and Safety Amendment (Crystalline Silica Substances) Regulation 2024.

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