New Frontiers Exploration Program

The New Frontiers Exploration Program provided support to explorers to search for deposits of metallic minerals including critical minerals and high-tech metals in NSW. The program, formerly known as the New Frontiers Cooperative Drilling Program, has an extended scope to include exploration geophysics.
The New Frontiers Exploration Program provided grants to successful applicants for exploration drilling and geophysical programs (Group 1, 6, and 10 minerals under the Mining Act 1992 only) that demonstrate strong prospectivity, sound financial planning and a proven technical base.
On 28 June 2022, $1.5 million was announced for round 5 of the program with expanded eligibility to include exploration geophysics.
The New Frontiers Exploration Program funded 99 projects over five rounds. Successful recipients and more information can be found by visiting the NSW Government Grants and Funding website.