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A solution to the coastal erosion issues plaguing Stockton is significantly closer to being realised with work carried out by NSW Government

Stockton beach


Work health and safety reports for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 are now available on the Resources Regulator Portal for mine

Photo of the back of an inspector


In June 2019, significant soil erosion was observed at a waste rock emplacement (Western Emplacement Area) at the Ravensworth Operations

Photo of the Ravensworth Operations open cut coal mine


The NSW Resources Regulator has accepted enforceable undertakings from Hi-Quality Waste Management Pty Ltd (operator of Windellama Clay Mine

Screenshot of the Enforceable undertakings page on our website


We are holding a face-to-face session at Cobar next Tuesday (29 June) from 2:00pm to 3:30pm, in addition to the webinar scheduled for 7 July

People at workshop


The Resources Regulator has published an investigation report into a collision between an excavator and a dozer at Maules Creek Mine on 26

Damaged dozer


The Resources Regulator has published an investigation report into an incident resulting in serious injuries to a worker that occurred at

Photograph of 1,972 kg unsecured replacement PRS leg cylinder.


Otraco International Pty Ltd (Otraco) has developed and published a best practice video training package as part of the Work Health and

Otraco International Pty Ltd best practice video training package


The Mine Safety Performance Report for 2019-20 has been released following collation and analysis of industry work health and safety reports



We have published a new Technical reference guide (TRG) to provide guidance to underground coal mines and underground metalliferous mines on



Near miss incidents involving vehicles have the potential to seriously injure or kill, due to the sheer size of the equipment typically

Photo of vehicle collision


Registrations are still available for the maintenance of competence sessions. Each session will provide practising certificate holders with

Photo of workshop participants